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Memorial Day Weekend Savings Tips

Steve Nitz May 19, 2017

Summer doesn’t technically start until June 20. However, the unofficial start of summer is almost here. The weather is warming up across the country and Memorial Day weekend is right around the corner.
For a lot of people, the long holiday weekend also means a weekend getaway experience. Of course, these short vacations also mean emptying a good portion of the paycheck.
Here are a few tips to help you save more of that paycheck this Memorial Day weekend, and help you afford more vacation trips throughout the summer.
Look into more local destinations
Sure, it’s probably tempting to look into a popular destination like New York City, Las Vegas or Orlando – the top Memorial Day destination this year according to AAA, or even travel outside of the country. Instead of splurging on a trip like that this early in the season, consider more of a local destination that’s close, but still takes you out of your current city and feels like a vacation. With it being a shorter trip, this also cuts your travel time and gives you more time for relaxation and entertainment.
Free entertainment
There’s no reason to spend a ton of money on entertainment during a weekend like this. Take your family to the beach or a state park and enjoy the nice weather. New York City area residents can take a quick drive and check out the beaches on the Jersey Shore. For people in the Baltimore-D.C. region, there’s Virginia Beach and Maryland’s Eastern Shore. For travelers in the Midwest, most Great Lakes beaches are open Memorial Day weekend. has a great index of state parks throughout the country, and you can always check the site of the state you’re in.
Visit a national cemetery
Memorial Day is observed to remember the people who have died serving in the armed forces. Help honor the fallen by visiting a national cemetery. You can find a list of cemeteries near you by using this tool from the national Cemetery Administration.
Have a staycation
There are also plenty of ways to have a great Memorial Day at home. Get together with friends, fire up the grill and enjoy cold beverages. Try and get a pool party going if it’s feasible. Also, take some time and check out your local Memorial Day parade, or just watch one of the big events on television.
Also, there’s always the opportunity to take a short day trip and save money on overnight costs.
Memorial Day comes at a time when you’re ready to get away and have some fun. However, there’s no reason you can’t have plenty of fun while saving up for the rest of the summer.

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