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How to Be Wise With Your Black Friday Spending

Courtney Nagle November 11, 2020

It’s nearly that time of the year. The day after Thanksgiving, aka Black Friday. It’s a day people either love or they hate, The ones who love it look forward to each year. Whether it’s heading to the store in the afternoon or going out at 6 a.m., shoppers love getting a good start on Christmas shopping and taking advantage of the best deals the economy has to offer. We just want you to be careful with your black friday spending.
While, Black Friday can provide a lot of efficiency and fun for shoppers there’s no reason to get too crazy and go through your entire Christmas budget – and then some, in just one day.
With this in mind, here are a few ways to enjoy your Black Friday experience, but at the same time keep it under control.

Set a limit and stick to it

When you head out to the mall the day after Thanksgiving, it can be understandable to really get carried away. At the same time, you don’t want to end up in a situation where you get the gifts you want, but then find out you went way over budget when you get home and check your bank account.
Just be careful. Set a strict budget and keep track of it throughout the day. Maybe you don’t accomplish everything you wanted, but you won’t regret it in the coming month either.

Have a plan

If you are trying to head out on Black Friday, take a look at what deals are being offered around your city. Not only will this save you money, it will save time as well. Instead of trying to head to as many stores as possible, as a shopper you can cherry pick a few of them with the deals you want.
You don’t necessarily have to know exactly what you’re going to get your spouse and each of your family members. But with that being said, it helps to have at least a ballpark idea of what type of present you’ll be looking for.

Start your Black Friday early

These days, a lot of places will open on Thanksgiving night, with Black Friday deals in effect. Do some research and see if any stores in your area are offering any kind of Thanksgiving deal, and save money and hopefully avoid long lines at the same time.

Ask about the return policy

When buying Christmas presents, there’s a chance the person who received your gift got the same item last Christmas. Or, in the case of clothes, they don’t fit. However, not every place you shop at on Black Friday will allow returns.
You may think you’re saving money thanks to a great deal, but those savings may be wiped out due to a place having a limited or no return policy. Keep this in mind before you shop, and check with the store before making your purchase.
Black Friday can be both a fun and hectic day at the same time. In the end, it’s a great way to get your Christmas shopping out of the way while saving money at the same time. However, it’s easy to make the mistake of getting carried away and spending a little too much. You can accomplish what you want without burning through your wallet.