Post Conference Attendee Survey Connect 2024 Post-Conference Attendee Survey DRAFT1 Thank you for spending a few minutes to let us know how we can refine the Connect experience. Your feedback is important to us.What is your name? (Optional) What is your organization's name?(Required) What is your role at Connect (dropdown)(Required)Please select...MemberAttendeeSpeakerSponsor non-ExhibitorSponsor ExhibitorOtherIf you are a member, what day of the conference would you prefer to attend the annual member meeting?Conference Day 1Conference Day 2Conference Day 3Please indicate your overall satisfaction with Connect 2024 (rank 1-10)(Required)[1 = Not Satisfied. Would not return. 5 = Average. I would return, but I feel like it could be better. 10 = Best Conference Ever! Don’t change a thing.] Please select...1 = Not Satisfied. Would not return.2345 = Average. I would return, but it could be better.678910 = Best Conference Ever!! Love it, Don’t change a thing.The main reason I attended Connect 2024 is:(Required)Please select...Because of the program contentTo network with colleaguesAccess to information and contacts in other parts of the sectorTo enjoy the conference and locationWas offering HUD training the reason that you were able to attend or send attendees?(Required) Yes No Did not attend the HUD training session What other conferences are you attending? Please share your feedback on the program offered at Connect 2024The session or takeaway that I found most helpful was...(Required) I found the tone of the overall program to be...(Required) What type of sessions would you like to see in the future?(Required) Please let us know about your experience with our non-session offerings.Exhibit Hall(Required) Extremely Worthwhile Valuable Neutral Unnecessary Very Unnecessary Washington Nationals Baseball Game(Required) Extremely Worthwhile Valuable Neutral Unnecessary Very Unnecessary HUD One-On-One Training(Required) Extremely Worthwhile Valuable Neutral Unnecessary Very Unnecessary Networking Opportunities like the Creditor Mingle, and Next Steps Networking sessions.(Required) Extremely Worthwhile Valuable Neutral Unnecessary Very Unnecessary Finale including Client of the Year Award and Life Beyond Debt(Required) Extremely Worthwhile Valuable Neutral Unnecessary Very Unnecessary Please provide feedback on your experience with the Salamander Hotel.How did you feel about the venue location in terms of walkability and access to amenities?(Required) Excellent Good Neutral Not Good Terrible Overall, how would you rate the Salamander Hotel as a venue?(Required)(public spaces, ballrooms, etc.) Excellent Good Neutral Not Good Terrible Looking ahead.Based on your experience at NFCC Connect 2024, would you return next year to attend Connect 2025?(Required) Yes No Please share your suggestions for future conferences. (Optional) (theme, content, speakers, workshop topics, etc.) Please share any additional information on how can we refine NFCC Connect? (Optional)Can we make it more engaging, valuable, or enjoyable? Your feedback is important to us. Please be candid. Thank you! Sponsor Post-Attendance QuestionsDid Connect 2024 highlight any new opportunities for collaboration or funding partnerships with NFCC? If so, please describe. What additional resources or support would enhance your organization's ability to invest in NFCC's programs and services? What would be the most effective way for NFCC to engage your executive team in strategic conversations about expanding our partnership? How can NFCC better position itself as a nonprofit leader in financial health within your industry or network EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.